‘Manto Saheb — Friends and Enemies on the Great Maverick’ review: Words on Manto
If you want to read a festschrift with a difference read Manto Saheb. If you want to know how Manto’s...
Review:?Reclaim Your Life by Shelja Sen
“Depression happened to ‘other’ people and not to people like me”
Haven’t we all thought this way at some point in...
‘India Unmade — How the Modi Government Broke the Economy’ review: Dissenting voice
Yashwant Sinha is angry over the economic management of the Narendra Modi government. In his early years, Sinha was a...
‘The Line of Control — Travelling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies’ review: Conflict...
A journey to the LoC on each side reveals the plight of civilians and why both India and Pakistan are...
‘Early Indians’ review: Who we are and where do we come from
A compelling story of new DNA findings, tracing the people of India from prehistory to near history.
Between 45,000 and 20,000...