Deepika Padukone added another feather in her cap when in 2015 she shared publicly her battle with depression. It was a brave move for a star like Deepika to open up on the subject and it helped reduce the stigma around the illness. It particularly for that reasion that the actor has earned a place in an upcoming children’s book, titled ‘The Dot That Went For A Walk’.

The book is written by Lakshmi Nambiar, Reema Gupta and Sarada Akkineni and tells the life stories of 51 accomplished Indian women. Apart from Deepika, the book also features Rani Laxmibai thus, Indira Gandhi and Kiran Bedi. The book aims to introducing young children to the concepts of women empowerment. ‘The Dot That Went For A Walk’ is illustrated by 51 artists from across India. Deepika’s chapter of the book has been illustrated by Ritu Bhattacharya.

Deepika was present at the launch of the book <i data-recalc-dims=The Dot That Went For A Walk.”/>
Deepika is featured in the book along with 50 other inspirational women.
Deepika was wearing a pink top, coral pants and fuchsia stilettos.

We zeroed in on the 51 names by asking our daughters and their friends who their role models were. From the acting community, Deepika emerged as a unanimous choice. When we dug deeper, we found that what inspired them about her is her honesty and willingness to talk about her vulnerabilities. By sharing her journey bravely with the world, she showed the younger generation that a healthy dialogue is needed as much on mental fitness as on physical fitness.

Lakshmi Nambiar, author

‘The Dot That Went For A Walk’ is all set to be released next week. Sarada shared that the authors interacted with Deepika for a year during which the actor was very accomodating and has given them her blessing.



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